29 April 2009

Home Sweet Home

No matter where we go, No matter how beautiful and luxurious the other place is, the joy and solace which we get in our homes is magical. So it is extremely important to keep our homes beautiful, comfortable and cozy. Home décor is the most important aspect which every home keeper takes care of. Over the years there has been great transition in the way people decorate and furnish their homes.

The art of home furnishing and decorating your abode is really quite a big undertaking. Since your home is the place where you spend the most amount of time, a lot of effort and care should go into furnishing and decorating your home. It is an opportunity to infuse your unique personality and talents into your home. Other than the creative challenge and opportunity, home furnishing is a fun pastime. Home furnishing and decorating does not have to be an expensive endeavor as even small or inexpensive items can turn your home into an attractive, warm and comfortable abode. On the other hand, you can decide to hire an interior designer to help you create a stunning and beautiful living space, though of course that can get quite expensive.

Here are a few more ideas and tips for successful home furnishing and interior decorating. The best way to start home furnishing is to ask yourself some basic questions. Would you be living in the same house for long or is it a temporary stay? What are the essential furnishings that you must have? When your home decorating ideas become clear, start preparing the items you need to transform the ideas into reality.

You should shop in stores where you can find unique home furnishing items that are inexpensive. There are plenty of home furnishing items such as figurines, paintings, curtains, light shades, furniture, cabinets etc that can be purchased through discount home furnishing outlets. Some bargain deals are also available at consignment stores where people sell off their used furniture, and furniture warehouses that carry slightly damaged. For today, you can find it all online. By visiting online shop or just type the keyword such as home furniture, home improvement, or home decoration etc in the search engine and there will be a lot of choices for you. The magic of shopping online is we can find a lot of stuff with all of range prices, so we can decide which product that we want and we could buy.

10 April 2009

Tambah Usia

Kulon Progo, 3 April 1983, setengah enam pagi, lahirlah seorang bayi perempuan yang manis dan keren di RSUD Wates.

Hari itu hari Minggu, tiada dokter jaga apalagi dokter kandungan... Seorang suami menunggui isterinya yang tengah merasakan sakitnya pembukaan demi pembukaan. Sementara ada beberapa orang bidan atau perawat ya, saat itu yang sebenarnya mereka belumlah lulus dari sebuah sekolah keperawatan/kebidanan alias sedang kerja praktek alias magang alias opo mbuh.. Ee, si ibu sedang kesakitan si caper/cabid malah tenang-tenang memainkan jarum kruisteeknya (baca:kristik (benang wool disulam di strimin)). Walhasil sang suami ketar-ketir dewean. Mau ga mau do'i yang ngelus2 isterinya dewe.. menghibur, dan menemani dengan setia.

Akhirnya saat yang dinanti tiba.. Sang suami memanggil para caper/cabid itu.. Karena sang suami tidak sepenuhnya yakin dengan kemampuan para kandidat perawat dan kandidat bidan itu, mau tidak mau sang suami ikut menyemangati isterinya saat persalinan, bahkan melihat kepala bayinya yang berulangkali menyembul keluar sebelum akhirnya keluar sepenuhnya. Finally seorang bayi perempuan yang manis, lahir dengan berat 3,4 kg terlilit tali pusat, di hari Minggu Wage itu. Dan sampai saat ini bayi itu sangat bersyukur, karena diantara 3 saudarinya yang lain hanya dialah satu-satunya yang ditunggui ayahnya saat pertama kali hadir di dunia ini..

Yah, akhirnya saya berteriumakasih pada tidak kondusifnya sikon saat itu... Terima kasih Ya Allah... atas semua nikmat, anugerah, rizki dan rahmatMu kepada hamba selama ini.. Semoga di sisa hidup hamba, hamba bisa menjadi manusia yang lebih baik dari hari ke hari dan menjadi umatMu yang berguna. Amin.. Mohon do'anya kawan...

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